Learn more about digital marketing and how it's done the right way with Grandiose Digital Media

What is "Digital Marketing"?

Digital marketing is also referred to as ‘online marketing’, ‘internet marketing’ or ‘web marketing’. The term digital marketing has grown in popularity over time. It is a strategy of marketing that utilizes internet and online based technologies such as mobile phones, computers, and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.

Nowadays, digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent, employing combinations of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, data-driven marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–books, and optical disks and games have now become a commonplace. Moreover, digital marketing extends to offline channels as well that provide digital media, such as television, mobile phones, etc.

The digital marketing is a big deal for three reasons:

  1.  Content performance & lead generation.
  2. Get to more about your competitors.
  3.  Higher ROI and revenues.

History of Digital Marketing

The development of digital marketing is somehow related with technology development. Started in 1971, where Ray Tomlinson sent the very first email and his technology set the platform to allow people to send and receive files through different computers. However, it all started in 1990 as this was where the Archie search engine was created as an index for the FTP sites. In the 1980s, the storage capacity of computer was already big enough to store a lot of information about the customers. Moreover, companies started choosing online techniques, such as database marketing, rather than limited list broker. All these kinds of databases allowed companies to track customer’s information more effectively. This allowed the companies to transform the relationship between buyer and the seller. However, at that time the manual process was not as efficient as it is now.

The term ‘Digital Marketing’ was first coined in 1990’s. With the debut of server/client architecture and the popularity of personal computers, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications became a significant factor in the online marketing industry. High competition forced vendors to add more service into their software which included marketing, sales and service applications. Now, marketers were able to own huge online customer data by eCRM software after the Internet was born. Moreover, the companies could update the data of customer needs and obtain the priorities of their experience. All this led to the first clickable banner ad being going live in 1994, which was the “You Will” campaign created by AT&T and over the first four months of it going live, more than 44% of all people who saw it clicked on the ad.

As time passed, the increasing numbers of Internet users and the birth of iPhone, customers began searching products and making decisions about their needs online first, instead of consulting a salesperson, which led to a new problem for the marketing department of a company. Furthermore, a survey in 2000 in the United Kingdom found that most retailers had not registered their own domain address. All these problems encouraged marketers to find new ways to integrate digital technology into the market development.

Marketing automation was developed in 2007 as a response to the ever evolving marketing climate. Marketing automation is the process which automates conventional marketing processes through a software. It helped companies segment customers, launch multichannel marketing campaigns, and provide personalized information for customers. However, the speed of its adaptability to consumer devices was not fast enough at that time.

Digital marketing field got widened enough in the 2000s and the 2010s, when the proliferation of device’s capable of accessing digital media led to sudden growth. The Statistics produced in 2012 and 2013 proved that digital marketing was still growing. Also, with the development of social media in the 2000s, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, consumers became highly dependent on digital electronics in their daily lives. Therefore, they expected a seamless user experience across different channels for searching any product’s information. This change of customer behavior improved the diversification of marketing technology.

Digital Marketing Done Right

Nowadays, modern companies demand a digital marketing solution that not only offers all the expected features found in an off-the-shelf platform, but also offers leveraging historical and client data to shape campaigns guaranteed to generate leads and drive revenue.

Website & Web App Development

We develop websites and web apps with custom modules for reservation management, inventory control, custom dashboards and more.


If you don't show up in local searches, you're missing out on a significant amount of clientele and sales. We help you out in ranking on the first page of google.

Reputation Management

We build a positive reputation for your business by promoting positive reviews and deleting and managing negative ones. We also help you show up first for desired search results, making sure that you get all the visibility and positive branding that your business need.

Pay Per Click

We will bid only on keywords that are likely to give you great ROI and ROAS. Bids are monitored closely with an emphasis on keywords that are most targeted yet least competitive.

Content Marketing

GDM offers a comprehensive content plan for your business. Our services include researching, ideating and creating winning content for all marketing collateral – editorials, videos, blogs, ads, etc. Become the trending source for information and leave your competition miles behind.

Social Media Marketing

Interact effectively with billions of users on social media. Connect, interact, share and engage on one platform to build your brand reputation. GDM has the expertise to start, sustain and increase your relationships with followers, users, guests, etc.

Taking the first step

You’ll find that many of your existing business applications needs digital marketing – from office productivity to sales.

With predictable costs, controlled risk and immediate gains in flexibility, the business case is strong. All you have to do is take the first step.

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