GDM Online Reputation Management Solutions

ORM or Online Reputation Management is somehow related to Search Engine Optimization, but not up to full extent. However, GDM’s Online Reputation Management solution primarily aims to promote positive or neutral content about an individual, brand or a company.

It’s implemented to push down negative results in SERPs.

Our ORM process is as followed:

1. Promoting existing positive content everywhere.

2. Creating new content.

3. Removing negative content.

4. Creating and promoting new social media profiles.

5. Active involvement in the social media websites and other portals (including online forums and blogs)

Suppression of negative links; How we do it:

  1. Tracking & Identifying negative contents.
  2. Suppression of Negative Contents/Videos/Blog posts.
  3. Implementing removal process.
  4. Deindexing of the Negative links.
  5. Cleaning Negative Posts/Videos/Links permanently. 

Removing consumer complaints:

  1. Identifying complaints.
  2. Removing complaints from the respective platforms.
  3. Creating positive content.
  4. Covering up the previous complaints.

Managing reviews:

  1. Thorough market research.
  2. Capturing new customers for getting reviews.
  3. Monitoring customer status.
  4. Engaging social media followers for giving positive reviews. 

Why us?

Increased Accessibility

GDM helps you out in becoming more accessible and customer friendly. Moreover, we clear out the obstacles that comes between your company and prospects.

Thorough Analysis

GDM helps you proactively respond to negative reviews and at the same time, we teach you how to clear negative perceptions and reviews. With GDM, you can create and promote positive content on various platforms related to your company or brand.

Track Your Reputation

The GDM ORM solutions provides you with consistent and latest reports on the user-created content such as blogs and blog comments.

Get in touch with us!

Ask about GDM services, pricing, implementation, or anything else — our highly trained marketers are standing by, ready to help.

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