The Internet of Things- Building Smart Solutions

What is Internet of Things?

All over the world, humans are connecting to the Internet to acquire knowledge and information, communicate with other people, and do business. Moreover, it’s not just people that are using the Internet: the objects use it too. The machine-to-machine communication is used a lot in the manufacturing and energy sectors to track machinery operations, report faults and raise service alerts.

Everyday objects are also increasing the use of Internet to connect to the cloud forming an ‘Internet of Things’. It’s estimated that 1.9bn devices are already connected to this Internet of Things (source: BI Intelligence.)

Most of the prominent Internet of Things sensors or devices in the consumer sphere so far have been activity and fitness monitors like the Nike FuelBand and Fitbit..

The Internet of Things is growing rapidly, and it’s forecast that, by 2021, it could include between 35 billion and 80 billion things ranging from smartbands, toys and photoframes to medical devices, earthquake sensors and the aeroplanes.

(source: Salesforce)

What uses does IoT have?

The potential uses of IoT are almost unlimited, but taking its advantage, your products can carry out maintenance reporting and diagnostics on themselves.

From computer hard drives to cars and aircraft, devices with Internet of Things capability can get to know when components are facing issues or when they are near their expected end of life – and can report this information back to you..

Now, you do not have to wait for a device to just stop working, because smart products can identify faults, communicate them to technical support and initiate actions to resolve the issues. All this could happen before your customer is even aware of the issue.

What does the Internet of Things mean for your business?

The customer relationships were built on the foundations of face-to-face and telephone contact. An indirect and long chain of communication stretched between the producer and customer, with retail staff, repairs and complaints departments the links between the two.

But the Internet of Things changed all that. Now, the information about customers can be sent automatically to your email whenever someone fills up a form in your website – in real-time.

The Internet of Things will enable you to understand your customers in a whole new way with Grandiose Digital Media, and with a level of detail that until now has simply not been possible. 

Direct Line of Communication

The most imprtant change is that you can collect and analyse your customer information in real time. without even needing a human intermediary to collect it.

And this means your product design and marketing strategies can be informed by more accurate, more timely data.


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