At Grandiose Digital Media, we believe business and (marketing) can be the greatest platform for social change. This includes a commitment to respecting the human rights. Furthermore, governments have always played a vital role in determining and protecting basic human rights in their jurisdiction and we expect that they’ll keep doing in the upcoming years as well. The private sector must also lead in this area by promoting human rights.
Grandiose Digital Media is committed to working with governments, industries, consumers, civil society, and our potential customers to promote human rights. Furthermore, these statement explains our commitment to human rights and the steps that we take to help realize this vision-
I. Our Commitment
GDM values a long-standing respect for the protection of human rights, and stays updated with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As a global company, we recognize that we have a responsibility to apply critical ethical standards to our services. Moreover, we also recognize that we have a responsibility to encourage our customers, governments, and partners to do the same.
II. Initiating Our Commitment
Policy Commitment
GDM complies with the local and international law, fair labor conditions, equality of opportunity in hiring, and anti-corruption and other related trade practices.
GDM’s commitment to promoting human rights includes commitments to: (1) privacy — respecting and protecting our customer’s right to privacy; (2) anti-corruption — operating ethically; (3) protection of the environment.
We will always continue to build upon these initiatives to promote human rights.
Reviewing, Reporting, and Grievance Processes
In order to promote human rights, we should also understand the ways in which these rights are experienced by our Family and affected by our own internal processes. Moreover, human rights impact assessments can also ensure awareness of risks and practices across our operations that can definitely be strengthened. However, Grandiose Digital Media also will optimize reporting and grievance channels to gain more knowledge about human rights disputes.
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